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Carmol Tropfen (Drops) 160ml Bottle

5 Stars 3 product reviews
0.340 KGS
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    Carmol Tropfen (Drops) 160ml Bottle

    Carmol Drops is an herbal liquid from Germany

    Often used to help settle the stomach and promote healthy digestion

    Ingredients: anise, cinnamon, lemon, lavender, cloves, nutmeg, sage, thyme, melisse, and menthol. 65% alcohol.

    Carmol Tropfen ist ein pflanzliches Mittel aus Deutschland

    Oft verwendet bei Magenbeschwerden und fördert gesunde Verdauung

    Inhaltsstoffe: Anis, Zimt, Zitrone, Lavendel, Nelken, Muskat, Salbei, Thymian, Melisse, und Menthol. 65% Alkohol.

    Product Reviews

    Write Review

    1. И продукт и доставка самые лучшие 5 Star Review

      Posted by on 4th Jun 2023

      Я бы сказал, что этот продукт универсальный. Это мой многолетний опыт. Он выручает практически при любом недуге.

      I would say that this product is universal. This is my many years of experience. It helps with almost any ailment.

    2. Medicine that I use. 5 Star Review

      Posted by on 1st Oct 2018

      I really like Carmol. I have used it for long time. The best medicine. I use it when I have headache or when I get cold I rub it on my head or anywhere else I get cold. Also if my ears heard I put a drop in my ears. It warms up and helps alot.

    3. Great product 5 Star Review

      Posted by on 29th Jul 2015

      I have been using Carmol for many years, every time that I have an upset stomach. I consider this the best thing to do in those cases.

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